This article is based on the research from the books Life after Life in which the author has interviewed people who has been thought "Near Death Experience" meaning they were declarer clinically dead by the doctors but later resuscitated
surprisingly all of them all similar experiences
the experience of dying involves the following events
*Hearing the News
*Feelings of Peace and Quiet
*The Noise
*The Dark Tunnel
*Out of the Body
*Meeting Others
*The Being of Light
*The Review
*The Border or Limit
*Coming Back
*Telling Others
*Effects on Lives
*New Views of Death
Most of the people interviewed has remarked that they have troubled explaining the experiences, which might me because what they have experienced is beyond our community experiences
Many had put it they had difficulty explaining it in three dimensional words !. According to them the world we live in is three dimensional but the next world isn't .So making the whole
experience incomparable to any other experience in this world.
Hearing the News
Numerous people around the world have reported hearing about their own death by the people around them . A young man who was thought of dead following an automobile accident says
" I heard the women who was there saying ' is he dead ' and the man replied 'yeah ,he is dead' . The reports of these type are very common ,even in hospitals ,a women has having
Cardiac arrest ,doctors saw her pupils dilate they tired to resuscitate her but no luck , Doctor says "let's try one more time and then we'll give up" ..later when doctors asked her
about the death ,she says she remembered hearing " let's try one more time and then we'll give up".
Feelings of Peace and Quiet
Many people have described it as extremely pleasant and quiet feeling in their early stages of experiences. After a severe head injury, one man's vital
signs were undetectable. As he says, At the point of injury there was a momentary flash of pain, but then all the pain vanished. I had the feeling of floating in a dark space. The day was
bitterly cold, yet while I was in than blackness all I felt was warmth and the most extreme comfort I have ever experienced . . . 1 remember thinking, "I must be dead." Another man recalls
it as the most pleasant feeling ,it was beautiful and I was at such a peace in my mind.
The Noise
In some cases various auditory sensations are reported to occur at or near death .Sometimes these are extremely unpleasant and other these are like tingling bells drifting through the wind.
The Dark Tunnel
most of the people have described it as a cave, a well, a trough, an enclosure, a tunnel, a funnel, a vacuum, a void, a sewer, a valley, and a cylinder. Although people use
different terminology here, it is clear that. they are all trying to express some one idea. Let us look at two accounts in which the tunnel is quite common.
Many people says that they understand what bible means by ' the valley of shadow of death ' as because they have been there.
Out of the Body
we identify ourselves with our physical bodies ,prior to experience often people have described themselves as the "a spectator" or "the third person in the room " who is watching the event
and figure like in a movie. Some described it like they were watching as the doctor were trying to resuscitate them in the operation room form a corner. Similarly, a girl whose out-of-body experience took place after a wreck in an accident in which she sustained severe injuries says, I could see my own body all tangled up in the car amongst all the people who had gathered around, but, you know, I had no feelings for it.
The author has described the new body as "Spiritual body " which was invisible to other ,people in that have tried a lot to communicate with the people but they were unsuccessful and that spiritual body lacks solidity as people were able to move through doors ,other people and were able to travel different places almost instantaneous. Almost of them have remarked the timelessness of this out of body state.
Meeting Others
In many instances the people have reported seeing other people on the other side (who have already died earlier) often calling them to come over or telling them to they must go back to their physical body as their time to die has not come yet.
The Being of Light
Perhaps the most common element in the account is the light which is dim at first but gets brighter and brighter until it reaches an unearthly brilliance, not to hurt the eyes as in the out of body phase there is not eyes or body. The light emits the
feeling of love and warmth. A Jewish man and women described it as 'angel' .Interestingly, while the above description of the being of light is utterly invariable, the identification of the being varies from individual to individual
and seems to be largely a function of the religious background, training, or beliefs of the person involved. Thus, most of those who are Christians in training or belief identify the light as Christ and sometimes draw Biblical parallels in support of their interpretation. The being begins to communicate with the person who is passing over. Notably, this communication is of the same direct kind which we encountered earlier in the description of how a person in the spiritual body may "pick up the thoughts" of those around him.
The being almost immediately directs a certain thought to the person into v Nose" presence it has come so dramatically. Usually the persons with whom I have talked try to formulate the thought into a question. Among the translations I have heard are: "Are you prepared to die?" "Are you ready to die?", "What have you do with your life to show me?", and "What have you, done with your life that is sufficient?" The first two formulations which stress "preparation," might at first seem to have a different sense from the second pair, which emphasize "accomplishment." However, some support for my own feeling that everyone is trying to express the same thought comes from the narrative of one woman who put it this way.
The Review
The initial appearance of the being of light and his probing, non-verbal questions are the prelude to a moment of startling intensity during which; the being presents to the person a panoramic review of his life. It is often obvious that the being can see the individual's whole life displayed and that he doesn't himself need information. His only intention is to provoke reflection.
Coming Back
Usually, though, an interesting change in their attitude had taken place by this time. Remember that the most common feelings reported in the first few moments following death are a desperate
desire to get back into the body and an intense regret over one's demise. However, once the dying person reaches a certain depth in his experience, he does not want to come back, and he may even resist the return to the body.
This is especially the case for those who have gotten so far as to encounter the being of light. As one man put it, most emphatically, "I never wanted to leave the presence of this being." Exceptions to this generalization are often
only apparent, not real. Several women who were mothers of young children at the time of their experience have told me that, while for themselves they would have preferred to stay where they were, they felt an obligation to try
to go back and to raise their children.
Telling Others
That is the difficult part for most of them as when they tell you about all of their experiences the reaction of the people and their perception really changed about them ,so many have restricted themselves to about their experiences from their family members.
It must be emphasized that a person who has been through an experience of this type has no doubt whatsoever as to its reality and its importance. Interviews which I have done are usually sprinkled with remarks to precisely
that effect. For example:
While I was out of my body, I was really amazed at what was happening to me. I couldn't understand it. But it was real. I saw my body so plainly, and from so far away. My mind wasn't at that point where I wanted to make
things happen or make up anything. My mind wasn't manufacturing ideas. I just wasn't in that state mind.
New Views of Death
The people had near death experiences don't see death as the end of life rather they see it as moving from one world to another ,like graduating from college :)
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