Suicide Is A Solution to problems ?

         Suicide is a Solution to Problems ?

suicidal thoughts

I am a guy in my early 20s, so often it's difficult for me to cope with reality and when feeling low, suicidal thoughts do come to my mind, I think it comes to almost everyone's mind at some point in life!.

When frustrated I used to think " everyone has to die someday, so what's the point of living in the first place!; Is life meaningless?; what I am supposed to do here?"

these thoughts do come to my mind occasionally, and I didn't know the answer!. So I researched about this and found this amazing book "Life after Life" by Ramond A Moody,

he conducted his research on the life after death, by interviewing 150 people who went through a near-death experience, either by a suicide attempt or by accident

in simple words, people were clinically dead(no heart beath or breathing) but was able to revive by the doctors

the death experience will the topic of another article(coming soon)

Coming back to the main question Is suicide is a solution to problems?

i will try to answer this question by explaining some of the reports and interviews from this book

in his books some people who attempted suicide describes it like

a woman says "if you leave here a tormented soul, you will be a tormented soul over there too" 

which means the problems because of which they had attempted suicide to escape were still present when they died, but with added complications. In that state, they were unable to do anything about their problem and they also had to view the consequences which resulted from their actions.

A man who was despondent about the death of his wife shot himself and later resuscitated states

"I went to an awful place....I immediately saw the mistake I had made ..I thought I wish I hadn't done it."

he also had a feeling that he would be there for a long time. This was their penalty for "Breaking the rules" by trying to release themselves prematurely from what was in effect as an assignment- to fulfill a certain purpose in life.

Another experience is an eyeopener which was reported by several people

while dead they got the feeling that two things are completely forbidden in life to do 1) to kill me 2) to kill another person.

because if  I were to commit suicide I would be throwing god's gift back at his face, and killing someone else would be interfering with god's purpose for that person.

So by reading this above experience, it is clear that suicide is not a solution to problems, but the opposite,it will bring more problems with serve consequences.

If you want to read the book Life After Life Download PDF (Free) 


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