Understanding Body Language [Test]

As i n my previous post on Body Language i have discussed about simple body language clues which can be used to identify the rapport between any two individuals .

Here is a test with explanations by which understanding those clues will be easy 

How to proceed ?

here are a series of photographs, each one accompanied by a
question ,use non verbal clues from previous post to answer the questions

1 )- Out of these two which one has better chances of having good relationship ?



2 ) Which pic describes better conversation A or B ?


3 ) Who has upper hand here guy or the girl ? 

4 ) How good is the rapport between the individuals in this photograph?

5 ) Who is more interested guy or girl ?


1 - A is having a better chances of  having a good relationship because there is no barrier between them i.e position of cups on table

2- A is having better conversation because eye contact is maintained  

3 - Girl is having upper hand here as she isn't afraid and the guy is leaning back 

4- not good as their body postures are different and not mirroring g each others

5 - girls is more interested here inward lean and she is presenting here face
