
1.  our intelligence is something very basic about you that you can’t change very much.
2.  you can learn new things, but you can’t really change how intelligent you are.
3.  no matter how much intelligence you have, you can always change it quite a bit.
4.  you can always substantially change how intelligent you are.

if you agree with 1 & 2 statement you reflect to have a fixed mindset , if you agree with 3 & 4 statement you reflect have a growth mindset .

what is means ?

according to the book " Mindset -The new psychology of success " the world is divided by two types of people - fixed mindset and growth mindset or learners or non learners

why is it necessary to know ?

it can decide the chances of success of people , it  can improves life ,relationships as well

what is growth mindset ?

 these type of people believe they can always be improved for a better version of their self , so they constantly engage in learning new things ,getting new experiences. Also they differ in the way they see / handle their failure and success.
most successful have this kind of mindset
well good marks or bad marks in a exam can 't be a certificate of intelligence right ! 

What is fixed mindset ? 

this type of people often seek for validation of their success and try to prove themselves they are better then other ,they believe that intelligence is limited ,abilities are limited and there is nothing they can do about it , they don't like failures and often rely on certainty.
they can be very successful too .
i got highest marks in this , i must be good  in this subject

The twist  

the twist is that there are hardly any person who has only growth mindset or only fixed mindset , people can have a fixed mindset for one thing say relationship and have growth mindset for their carrier .
if he number of thing on which they have growth mindset is more then the things on fixed mindset they are considered as having growth mindset and vice versa.

no matter how is it you can always improve it .
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