Brain Fog

it happens will all of us on some days that You may feel confused or disorganized or find it hard to focus or put your thoughts into words ,there is a work we intend to do but delay it because of  we think "we are ready for it" or "our energy level is low for that our" or "i am too tired today"
 the work/stuff can be doing our chores ,playing chess and similar thing s which requires a more effort ,does it sounds familiar ! our brain creates a fog  something called brain fog around it and we avoid it to beyond that fog until it's very necessary or unavoidable.

But why does it happen ?

To understand it better consider your brain as a computer and the task you do as applications that runs on it , so as you probably know that when we run a high demanding application (task) computer heats up and & it's processing speed reduces or when you run a lot of applications at a time same thing happens heat up & speed switch applications(tasks) throughout the day we become some sort of distracted and when time for tough job came we avoid it . (i hope you get the idea )
it also happens because our brain doesn't like doing tough jobs so it tries to doge the these job by creating excuses like described above it basically tricks us to do easy job and stuff which doesn't  requires much efforts ,it can also be because of habits which made some job doing easily over time as the more we do it the more it get wired in our brain and with more easiness we can do it .
In a research scientists found that more then 80% of things we do daily or the decision we make are automated (no not like machine ) like brushing our teeth, eating one extra piece of meal - we usually don't think too much about brushing ,of course in the learning period we do but as constantly doing it everyday it gets wired onto our brain and our brain does't have to put much effort in it.

What can be done ?

well there are lot of ways to get over these but it all depends on how to can make yourself do tough task !
1- try to do tough jobs early in a day (say morning like  intense workout)
2- refocusing yourself by taking short naps or walks after a job or before doing a tough job
3- maintaining your energy levels - as some task required to maintain certain energy levels
4- meditation 

that's all for this post , feel free to react & ask a question in comments


NOTE-- having brain fog most of the days in a week can be a mental condition -should take some doctor 's advice !!
