Self improvement
We often cane across this ,but what is it really and is it important ?
Let's find out :)
In a simple nut shell
It is basically working on your weaknesses , learning new things , building up your strength points that's all it is !
So how does it effects life ?
We often see old people struggling in using computers and smartphone ,but also we have seen some old people using it with ease why is that ?
Because some people stayed in their comfort zone they didn't try to learn and some did . The main thing is life style is changing, difficulty of problems increases , so the ability to adopt should also be improved this can be easily achieved by self improvement .
It fills your mind with new bits of information and upon analysis your understanding on that specific things will increase ,you will be able to handle it with ease.
So should you do it ?
In today's era things changes quickly and the generation gap increases ,so there is a need to improve yourself constantly !
Whether it's speaking skills , sports or anything ,it depends on you where you want to improve yourself .
It will take you to next level.
Boost you confidence level and self esteem.
Self improvement will make your life better overall that's for sure :)
How you can do it ?
The best way is to read a book about it
( Check out my page on this blog with name " my books " for free self improvement books)
Practice alone and with partner ( find someone who also want to improve ) .
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